
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

C and Under Mixed Foil January 17th

En Garde will host a C and Under Mixed Foil competition on Saturday, January 17th.  Close of registration will be at 9am.  Preregister on AskFred.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Club Closed December 22nd to January 1st

En Garde will be closed December 22nd through January 1st for the holidays.  We will re-open for our regular Saturday practice on January 3rd.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Break

En Garde will be closed Wednesday, November 26th through Saturday, November 29th for Thanksgiving break.  We'll be open again for practice starting Monday, December 1st.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Open Mixed Epee November 22nd

En Garde will host an open mixed epee competition on Saturday, November 22nd.  Find details and preregister here.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Open Foil Tournament at En Garde November 8th

Join us on November 8th for our first open foil event!  Find details and registration information on AskFred.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

En Garde Epee Championship Series Begins November 9th

En Garde will host the first installment in a series of four open mixed epee events on Sunday, November 9th.  This event is open to anyone with a current competitive or non-competitive USFA membership.

Event details and registration information can be found on AskFred.  

IUP October Fencing Fest Tournament - October 18th

En Garde will be closed Saturday, October 18th for IUP's October Fencing Fest Tournament.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

En Garde Referee Practical Pre-Clinic

En Garde will host a Referee Practical Pre-Clinic on Saturday, September 20th.  The clinic will help referees prepare for the FOC clinic in November and the refereeing practical.  This is also a great event for anyone interested in improving their refereeing skills.  Find event details and registration information  on AskFred.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Club Closed for Summer Break

En Garde will be closed from July 1st through 15th for our summer break after Nationals.  Hope to see everyone for our first practice back on Wednesday the 16th.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

En Garde Closed for Memorial Day

En Garde will be closed Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.  We will be open for our regular practice this Saturday, May 24th.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Club Closed for Holy Grail March 29th

CMU's annual Holy Grail tournament is this Saturday, March 29th.  We'll be canceling our usual Saturday practice for the event. Anyone not registered to fence is welcome to come watch and cheer us on!

For more info about the tournament, check out the event page on AskFred.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fencing Classes Coming In March!

New to fencing? Join us for our four Saturday "Fencing Fundamentals" crash course.  Visit the Club Information page for details.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Open Women's Foil January 18th

Don't forget to pre-register for En Garde's Open Women's Foil on January 18th! Find all the info on