
Monday, August 1, 2016

August Closure

Hello all--

Our club has been going through some changes over the past few weeks that have resulted in the decision to close for some reorganization and repairs for the entire month of August.

Yes, we had been planning on holding a beginner/youth class beginning August 8th, and it is with our sincerest apologies that we inform you of its cancellation. Information about resuming the class in September will be forthcoming. 

We are very sorry for any confusion and frustration this message may cause. Please keep in touch with us regarding practices and classes. You should expect us to be back on track and going full steam ahead once September rolls around.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

See you in September!

-- The Coaches 
En Garde Fencing Club