
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Holiday Party Tomorrow!

Corsair will be holding practice from 5pm-7pm tomorrow (Thursday) evening. 

After that, shed your fencing gear and don your holiday swag because it's party time! Hang out and celebrate the season with your one and only Fencing Family!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Weekly Schedule Change!

Please be advised that Corsair Fencing Club (at least for the near future) will not be holding Wednesday evening practices.

The new weekly schedule is as follows:

Monday: 6:00pm- 9:00pm (Coaches: Adam, Josh, Lisa)
Thursday: 6:00pm- 9:00pm (All coaches)
Saturday: 10:30am- 1:00pm (All coaches)

If you have any questions about our practice schedule, just send us an e-mail at, or find us on Facebook @corsairfencingpgh.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Practice News and Updates

There will be no evening practice on Monday the 23rd. The club is getting a paint job!

We hope to see you Saturday morning! Bethel Park's high school team will be in attendance, so there will be a lot of fencing going on!

Also this Saturday begins an intro to Cane Fighting class with Gary Beatty. If you've ever had the desire to get into historical combat, this is a great introduction! This class will run for 6 weeks, beginning this Saturday the 22nd, from 12:00-1:00pm. $10 per session for Corsair members, $20 for non-members.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to Corsair!

As of September 1st, our fencing club has re-opened as Corsair Fencing Club. We're carrying on the legacy of En Garde by providing Pittsburgh fencers with the same dedication to our craft that has produced such high-level competitors.

We are proud to welcome back our loyal members, and excited to welcome any and all newcomers to our club!

Please keep an eye on this Website, and our Facebook page for any and all updates to class schedules and membership information.

We look forward to fencing with you!


Your Corsair Coaches

Monday, August 1, 2016

August Closure

Hello all--

Our club has been going through some changes over the past few weeks that have resulted in the decision to close for some reorganization and repairs for the entire month of August.

Yes, we had been planning on holding a beginner/youth class beginning August 8th, and it is with our sincerest apologies that we inform you of its cancellation. Information about resuming the class in September will be forthcoming. 

We are very sorry for any confusion and frustration this message may cause. Please keep in touch with us regarding practices and classes. You should expect us to be back on track and going full steam ahead once September rolls around.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

See you in September!

-- The Coaches 
En Garde Fencing Club

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Please note that En Garde will be CLOSED this evening (Thursday July 28th), as all of the coaches have an important prior commitment. Thank you for your understanding!

We'll see you back on Saturday morning, 9:30am!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Updated Coach's Page!

Josh Karausky finally has a bio on our coach's page! Check it out!

And don't forget, Wednesday practices belong to him, so you can pay him a visit (and fence with him!) in person every Wednesday evening from 6pm-9pm.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Club Dues- Very important!

Hey folks, if you paid your club dues with a check in June, it will not be cashed. The account was frozen when coach Murphy passed away. If you get a chance re-write a new check or pay cash to Brendon Beatty. En Garde is currently in the process of re-vamping it's program and hopefully everything will be straightened out by August. Sorry for the inconvenience, thanks again.

- B

Shoot the club an email if you have any concerns/questions.

*note* This only applies to those of you that made checks out to "Murphy's En Garde Fencing Club". If you paid with cash or already paid your dues to Brendon, you're ok.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

No Fencing on the 4th!

In honor of cookouts and fireworks and Independence Day excitement, the club will be closed Monday, July 4th. Have fun and be safe! See you Wednesday!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Etna Open Streets- June 25th

Pay a visit to Etna this Saturday (the 25th) for the Open Streets Event! En Garde is joining with other local businesses to show off all the totally awesome things this end of town has to offer.

The club will still be open! So if you're not into fencing with a balloon on your head, you can get your regular practice in upstairs.

See you all Saturday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Schedule Update

There will be no practice with Coach K. this Wednesday (6/15).

Regular Wednesday practices will resume next week (6/22).

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thank you...

A heartfelt thank you to those who came to the club to honor the memory of Coach Murphy yesterday evening.There is true comfort in the gathering of friends in this time of grief.

In the way of updates:

Wednesday (tomorrow): NO PRACTICE.

Thursday: Regular 6:30-9:00pm practice.

Saturday: En Garde will be at the Bloomfield Saturday Market-- and also OPEN for regular practice.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Rest in Peace, Coach Murphy

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Coach Charles Murphy.  His impact on the Pittsburgh fencing community over the course of his long career as a fencer and a coach cannot adequately be put into words.  On the opposite end of the strip or on one's own, Coach Murphy represented so much of what our sport teaches and nurtures: discipline, competitive drive, honor, and more.

The coaches and students of En Garde extend our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to Coach Murphy's family and friends even as we ourselves join them in mourning his passing.

We invite you to gather with us tomorrow evening, June 6th, starting at 6 p.m. at En Garde Fencing Club, where we will meet in lieu of our regularly scheduled practice to remember Coach Murphy and the great influence he had in all our lives.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Closed for Memorial Day

En Garde will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. Regular practices will resume on Wednesday. 

Have a safe and fun long weekend!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Making the Dream Work

With the arrival of actual Spring, En Garde is shaking things up a little bit.

First of all, let's welcome Josh Karausky to the official coaching staff! It's been one of Josh's long time dreams to coach fencing, and we are more than happy to extend that opportunity to him. *much applause*

Josh (Coach K., if you prefer) is going to run Wednesday night practices. He'll do precision footwork and bladework drills that will be valuable for fencers of every weapon. Because footwork and bladework make the dream work! *much groaning*

So, if we can shake things up, so can you! Be bold! Go to fencing on a Wednesday night!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

No Practice Saturday!

There will NOT be practice this Saturday, March 26th.

We'll all be at CMU, either fencing or cheering the club on to yet another VICTORY at the Holy Grail Tournament! Come and show your love and support for the best club in town, 3 years running!

There we are with our 3rd Holy Grail- 2015!

P.S. If you do decide to show up at the club this Saturday, you will stumble upon a Rapier seminar, sponsored by our neighbors at Broken Plow. More info on that right here: Rapier Seminar with Rob Runacres.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Remember! Preregister for the Irish City Open

It's coming up next week! On Sunday, March 13th, En Garde is hosting its 2nd Annual Irish City Open Tournament!

Preregistration closes this Friday, March 11th.  Visit the tournament page on askFRED for preregistration information, and more.

If you're not competing, feel free to come by and take in the excitement! Foil begins at 9am, and Epee at 1pm.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Results: Leap Year Tournament

The official results from En Garde's Leap Year D & Under Tournament can be found here on AskFRED!

Congratulations to Thomas Zhang, who took the gold in foil and earned his D2016!
Our own Lucas Bolton took gold in Epee and earned his E2016!

Next up at En Garde is our 2nd Annual Irish City Open! Mixed open Foil and Epee, March 13th. 

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Leap Year Tournament!

En Garde is hosting a Leap Year D & Under Foil/Epee Tournament on Sunday, February 28th!

If you're not signed up to compete (preregistration closes the 26th), you should come over to the club and show your support your favorite fencers. It's sure to be a ton of fun, as always!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Send Good Vibes!

En Garde has a lot of cheering to do this weekend!  We're proud to have two of our young champions competing in a couple of big tournaments...

We wish all the best to Zara Moss, as she fences in the Alpe Adria: Junior Women Saber Competition in Udine, Italy! FORZA!!!!

Also, shout out to Lucas Bolton, fencing in the Junior Olympics in Cleveland, Ohio!!!! GET 'EM!!!!

Send good vibes their way!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

No Practice- Saturday Feb. 6th!

There will NOT be regular fencing practice on Saturday, February 6th!

Broken Plow will be holding the Longpoint Regional League Opener Tournament (aka Brokenpoint!)
We encourage you all to come down to the club and check it out, though, it's gonna be totally awesome!