
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Club News 11/6/18!


It's been really great to see so many lessons going on at the club recently!  People are really training hard and I can't wait to see the results we achieve in the upcoming competition season. 

Several people, including Coach Lisa Marthens, Sarah Read, Lucas Bolton, and several other club members had great weekends at the Flick Retreat D-Under Halloween Tournament recently, and we're all gearing up for a bunch more tournaments in the coming weeks and months. 

I'm just gonna make one more plug for visiting Coach Francesca Forno.  You guys should seriously try to work with her before she goes home to Italy.  She's leaving in just a few very short weeks, so get in that time with her soon. 

Other than that, I don't have a ton more to say.  Get to practicing, and make plans with your coaches/clubmates for upcoming tournaments!  It's always more fun and can be very helpful to have teammates and coaches at a tournament with you, plus it can make planning easier if you have a carpool, etc.  Talk to your friends!  Make plans!

See everybody at practice!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Club News 10/17/18

Hi everybody!

There's been a lot of discussion about the upcoming tournament season happening at the club lately.  Especially the NACs!  Follow the club on Facebook for more information and links!

This past Saturday we had the youngest person I think I've ever seen try fencing.  Logan is 5 years old, which is really just a bananas age to try fencing at, but he seems really into it!  I'm excited to keep working with him.  So keep your eyes peeled for an even littler dude than usual running around the club for the next few weeks. 

One other thing: if you've been taking it easy on practices for the past few weeks/months because the club has been unbearably hot, the weather lately has really made for comfortable fencing temperatures!  Come back to the club and get back in shape for the upcoming competition season!  You won't melt!

Hope to see everybody soon!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Club News 10/9/18

Hi folks!

I'm gonna try this new thing where I update the website more often!  These posts will (hopefully) be a regular mid-week update of any notable goings on at the club to supplement our regular facebook presence and let people know that our website is current and in use.

Visiting Coach Francesca Forno has been tearing it up in the lesson-giving department at Monday night practices for the past few weeks!  We only have her until December, folks, so the entire Corsair coaching staff is highly recommending that you take advantage of her experience and try and set up at least one lesson with her before she goes home to Italy in just a couple short months.  Brendon has already taken a lesson with her, so has Lisa, and I heard Josh setting one up with her last night!  I'll be  taking a lesson with her myself in the next couple of weeks as well.  In her own words, she "brings to the club the typical Italian touch that characterize[s] the fencing of her country" and it will be well worth your time to get her perspective.

Also we should all give a warm welcome to our new sabre fencer, Leonardo (I don't know his last name yet, ha)!  He is teaching Spanish at Duquesne and he's been fencing for a couple of years, most recently at a club in Denver where he was teaching previously to taking his position in Pittsburgh.  Take a minute to say hey!

It's been super hot upstairs in the club the past few days, and it's supposed to still be pretty warm for the rest of this week, but hopefully it will cool down to normal October temperatures and we'll be a little more comfortable up there soon.

Oh man, and if you haven't yet, try to fence a couple bouts on the metal strips in the back room!  They aren't my favorite thing in the world, but a lot of fencers love them, as they provide really good traction for your footwork.  Plus it's just good to practice on them, since you never know when you're going to go to a tournament where they'll have them.

Alright, that's enough babbling from me for today.  I'll be back next week with a club update and maybe some pictures from practice!
