
Fencing Links

A page full of links to help you out!

General Sport Fencing Information

The United States Fencing Association (USFA) - The USFA governs sport fencing in the United States.  Visit their page for USFA membership information, as well as the latest fencing news.

The Western PA Division -Information about local fencing events and news.

askFRED -The Fencing Results and Events Database. Go here to find and register for upcoming tournaments or view results from past events.

Shopping Links:

Find some of the most popular fencing equipment vendors below.  Not sure what to buy?  Talk to one of our coaches or send us an email and we'll be happy to help you find exactly what you need.

Absolute Fencing Gear

Blue Gauntlet Fencing


Leon Paul

Big 4 Our Britches -Not fencing equipment, but lots of fun fencing-related t-shirts and accessories!


  1. I won't lie, I pretty much want everything from Big 4 Our Britches, haha.
